Steps and Stairs

Slowly my progress continues with what I hope to be my last visit to see the surgeon on Friday next week for one final X-ray!

It has been a tough ride but with the backing of the physiotherapist and never ending support of my daughter and wonderful care from my husband we are near the final stages.

It has been very apparent that we are not part of the local inner sanctum which can be very exclusive about who is or isn’t accepted.

Being an introvert I am not particularly bothered but wish Mr D had been offered a helping hand occasionally.  

But Team Douglas survived again.

I have been able to make a gentle start on preparing the garden for an exciting season this year.  I was recommended a gardener who has already made a big difference.  I have never seen a gardener work so hard and keep a smile on his face.

We are looking forward to warmer days and finding somewhere for us to enjoy the occasional glass of wine and beer at one of the local restaurants.

Our usual haunt has, over the last couple of weeks, changed beyond recognition.  We called in a few days ago and were disappointed to find the front of the building had be made into a car park.  I don’t think I want to sit in the sun, relax, and be faced with a row of cars within touching distance from my table.

As it happened when we arrived they were very busy.  We found a suitable table and sat down.  And waited. And waited.  There seemed to be one waitress working.  She took a tray of drinks to a table.  I thought I would catch her eye to place an order.  Nope.  She wasn’t looking at customers.

After 10 minutes we decided to return home to what we describe as the best bar in town.

As we made our way out I noticed the Scrabble club, which I had set up last year, were huddled at a table.  Not one showed any signs of recognition!  So much for being part of the ‘gang’ (or inner sanctum).

As we got to the car park I put my head into the kitchen and called out to the (new) manager and told him what had happened (or not as the case was).  His customer friendly response was “Oh dear”.

Time to find another play ground for the summer.

Such is life in this country.

Thanks for reading, my blog seems to be very popular in Singapore, Hong Kong and China.  Welcome to my world.


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