Get ready for (predicted) coptic

 Hi everybody,

I hope all my viewers are well, and enjoying spring.

I have been busy with the garden on stage one of this year’s efforts.  Mainly focusing on flowers and the bird feeding station and water point.

The feeding station took a while, but now we have maybe as many as 7 or 8 actually in the tray at one time, with the clean up brigade who keep the ground around tidy.  Sad to say no photos, you can hardly breathe without disturbing them.

Funny thing is they seem to have their regular feeding times.

Looks a bit like a loo, but it includes a bottle to keep their feed in.

Our orange tree, which we have had for about four years, has masses of buds ready to burst.  Patience!  

Not bad for a pot grown little tree.

Not fab pics, but working on it

We have spent a good half hour locking down the garden in readiness for tomorrow’s high winds.  Parasols, chairs, plant pots moved to safety, and so on.

You can only do what you can.  After that I expect it will be glorious sunshine.

My lovely daughter is expected for a flying visit at the end of March.  We have managed to plan lunch, just me and her, then coffee or something for us all to meet up the following day. 

Can’t wait, but always have a little weep when she has to go.  But I know she will be back. x

I have been branching out a bit recently after three years, almost to the day, of restricted living due to Covid.

I have met a couple who have been very supportive people and I appreciate them very much.

They also run fund raising for Latchi and Polis Cats, who run feeding programs for the local ferals.  Vets, trying to find homes for the tiny ones and no end of other things.

One of the things arranged is a board game afternoon.  Mainly retro games with some up to date ones thrown in.  Slightly chaotic but good fun.  Try new games, move around to make up other teams etc. No one takes it to silly competitive levels.  Just up my street.  

If you read this and want a go come and join in Faros in Latchi at 2.00 on Tuesday afternoon.  Cup of tea, glass of wine, what better way to meet other people if, like me, you have been isolated and unsure how to put a step outside the ‘circle’.

Our new cleaner has started with us.  With everything crossed I so hope it works out.  Her husband is also able to help me with the garden.  They could be a godsend.

Speaking of gardens, we invested in some tree loppers after being quoted €180 to tidy the tree up.  Did he think we were stupid? 

Anyway, Mr D now has a new game!  God help us.

Bad news for the budget, we need new tyres for the car and have MOT this year.  Well, it has to be done.

We have been so lucky to have our log burner, and in a way will miss the routine of setting the new fire everyday.  

Last year it was difficult to get hold of wood towards the end of winter and we managed to get some 

silver   Birch.  Some were left over which I plan to use this summer to make the empty log burner a bit more appealing.  I have also got a nice house plant which will fit very well on the fireplace.

Easter approaches, together with the end of Lent.  Usually the start of the tourist season.  Let’s hope the remaining businesses do well.

I am off to make meatballs in Hoisin sauce for supper.  Still making the most if cooking before we reach the salad season.

How healthy.

Thank you for reading and please share with your friends.


  1. Can me and Erin come to your boardgames night!? We promise to behave and not cheat! Xxx


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