Goodbye August, and the Cypriot Holidaymakers


August became a significant time in my life some years ago.

Things that happened to me in August:

I received my Gohonzon (Buddhist) - early 80’s

Moved from London back to Hastings (time to start life yet again) - 2002

Met Mr D - 2003

Moved in together 

Married - 2007

to name but a few.

August in Cyprus takes life as we knew it and tips it on its head.

It is the hottest time of the year.  Many businesses close in August, we had to teach ourselves to shop for a month during the second half of July.  Our part of the island is considered one of the cooler areas.  Cypriots from the big towns invade this area for their holidays.  


The shops are packed with holiday makers, Cypriot and European.  

No one wears COVID masks, which is a worry, and my main concern.

Many ex-pats return to UK to stay with family and catch up with friends, they just never bear the heat.

This year has been exceptional.  

BUT - 

We still live our Cyprus dream, and most times manage to overcome obstacles in our way.

Just to make life a lot easier we finally saved enough cash to get a fridge freezer that isn’t an antique. AND the best bit is the fridge is above the freezer, cuts out all the bending, which in our case is really important!

We also finally got a water dispenser.  We were driven but the amount of plastic bottles being used by us, and it is something we have talked about but it always slid down the wish list.

Backgammon restarted yesterday after the August break.  Just me and Laura, caught up with a good natter and she gave me some great tips on strategies.  She was taught by her Cypriot husband and I am sure Cypriots learn to play from the age of three!

Next meeting should see more people who will be back in the cooler weather.

One last thing, thank you everyone who reads this blog.  I am amazed at the sudden number of people viewing from Singapore.  Please post a comment and let me know if you enjoy it.

Thanks again,  best wishes,


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