Well, the things I didn’t know.
A couple of years ago I was given a garden table to help me with working on plant pots without having to bend. With a metal base and a too made from the good old pallets.
It never occurred to me that I should use a wood preservative. Part of the top has rotted and Mr Usefull said there really was no point in repairing it as the rest would soon go the same way.
I decided that it is such a good thing to have that the whole top should be replaced. I contacted my very generous ‘supplier’ who said I was very welcome to help myself.
Next step is to find someone to collect them for me and then paint with wood protector. Before it is fitted!
We then took a look at the wood store which is also made from pallets. That too must have wood protection in order for it to last. Mr U also said he would reinforce a part which had come away.
Isn’t he great. Also fitted the new towel rail, put up the picture hooks, which prompted me to get our Art of a good marriage picture back where it belongs.
Then he set to in the garden. What a worker.
I had taken my hand off the wheel with the garden when Mr D was in hospital but within a short time it is all looking lovely.
It doesn’t take long to run amok and get out of control.
It is apparent that six in the morning is a good time to garden.
Enjoy the sunshine and the shade. Happy July 4th.
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