The missing letter ‘T’

 This is an edited post from August 2021.  It is still as bad, if not worse than before.

 Sunday 15*h Augus*

I became aware a few mon*hs ago *ha* *he le**er ‘T’ was missing when people were *alking.

Now, there can be one of a few reasons for this in my view, laziness, unable to spell so being unaware the word contains a T, a new form of slang ( maybe not that as even radio presenters miss out this precious member of the alphabet family.)

Although I was born in London I spent most of my teen years living on the south coast. As a result I picked up the local dialect where most words are pronounced with ‘ing’ at the end.  Absolutely nothing I can do about but to develop this casting aside of a letter seems to be a shame.

Is it mockery at its worst?


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