Watching something grow


I just decided it is about time to blog,  I don’t have huge amounts of readers but always enjoy people reading and seeing which country they are from.  

It has been a strange few weeks.  MD has been unwell and had a stay in the local hospital for 5 days.  Not nice, millions of tests and various tests and treatments still on going.

It has taken its toll on both of us but for different reasons.

So, on a bright and happier note, which is the only way to be, firstly Backgammon.  The “club” was set up in early April with a very slow beginning.  But I stuck it out and we now have 19 members on our Facebook page.  Backgammon 4 All.  Not everyone is active but had one person join the page about a month before he came along. And he is Cypriot which I think is a bit of a bonus considering Cypriots seem to be weaned on backgammon.

When players come there is no subscription but if they like they can make a donation to the charity for a hospice.  I just cashed in our first amount and the receipt is pictured .  I think this an amazing amount from our group, and look forward to the next count up.

Next, tomatoes! Tons of tomatoes! (Not really tons).

The garden has been good to me so far this year.  Had a few disappointing results but, even after 10 years here, it’s a learning curve.

Tomato chutney anyone?

I now have a reliable person to take on the heavy stuff in the garden.  Three hours last week and it was like a whirlwind. I am very happy and he also can do bits in the house.  At last, the new towel rail gets fitted after… how long? Oh, and the couple of picture hooks to use, and fix the locks on the windows.  And while you are here could you …….

The avocado trees have finally been planted, read shoved, in the ground outside our fence.  God, what a Heath Robinson creation.

With summer finally happening we are looking forward to using the pool.

Happy days everyone, and enjoy the nice things in life.  They are out there somewhere.


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