New beginnings.

 Hi everyone, what a lovely day.  Windows open, garden taking shape, pets sorted out, and a couple of Free cycles completed.

I will try and make some sense of this ramble.

Windows open.

I absolutely love the fresh air, even in the cooler temperatures it is lovely to wrap up and get outside for a little while.

Everything is so fresh and soft, I always feel so lucky to be living here.


As the name of my blog suggests the garden is my place to breath, potter around, and muse about all sorts of things

It is a place of peace and tranquility.  

Not only for me, but Mr D has learnt to enjoy the whole thing and I always call him out to to inspect new blossoms on the orange tree,

or flowers appearing on the tomato plant.

Last year we had an amazing gardener who was an inspiration.  I will carry on his good work, even though I doubt he will ever see it.

Pets sorted out.

Well, only two of them.  Grumpy Honey, who is not so grumpy these days, was right as ninepence.

Jazz, on the other hand, had to be taken to the vet. 

 Last year she had two fur knots, one on each hip.  They were very painful for her and she was very miserable.  And I don’t blame her.

We went to the vets, without said cat.  She was too uncomfortable to load her into the cat carrier.

The vet said he would need to see her, but it may be vitamin deficiency and we were not to worry.

When we got home she has been working it out and there on the floor was one of the fur balls.

The other was to follow in the next few days.

Lo and behold this year they were coming back.  This time it was straight to the vet. Jazz was, as usual, an angel.  He took a look and said in his opinion there was nothing to worry about.  Do nothing, no combing or anything.  Just leave it and take her back in one month.

A few alterations to help her.  The cats food is kept on a table (to keep out of the way of Daisy the Dog).  Jazz has always had weak back legs and is not good at jumping up.  Adjust the chairs and she can get on the chair and on to the station.

Next to sort out her ‘room’.  She sleeps in the upper level of the log store.  Access is achieved by climbing up the fence, literally, getting through the slats of the wood and settles down.

I have now moved her bed and cat house to the lower level.  First day she was really happy and settled.  Next day she said she didn’t like it and went back upstairs.  Oh.

The the following day she was back down stairs again.

So, alls well in Jazzys world.

Free Cycle

I may have mentioned that I started a free cycle page on Facebook.  The idea is to keep unwanted things out of the landfill.  Post them on Argaka area Free Cycle site, and if anyone wants the item they arrange collection.

I have put four things on the site and three have gone to new homes.  And they have given me some space to keep my garden stuff.

Do have a look if you are in this area, and feel free to post something on it.

I am also trying to start a backgammon group.  Only two weeks in and a slow start ,but it is early days.  Keeping my fingers crossed.  Again, if you are in the area and are interested do please drop in to the Tipsy Turtle on the coast road in Argaka.  Wednesdays at 2 o’clock.  Newbies, rusties or advanced are all welcome.

Take a look at Backgammon 4 All on Facebook.

Hope you enjoyed this blog and an insight as to why and how I don’t get bored.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Lovely photos, garden is looking grand 👑


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