Helping hands…


I have never liked asking people for help. 

It is just one of those things.  Stubborn, to a fault.  

Well, that changed this week.  

I have been mentally planning this year’s garden for months.  I learnt so much last year that I think (and hope) this year will be the best ever.

A couple of years ago our then gardeners installed an irrigation system for me.  

Last year there were several alternatives for the placement of pots, so bits and bobs were added and taken away.

It doesn’t do this year as I have a better idea what and where I want things.

I went to the irrigation shop and got this, another trip and I got that, on yet another trip I got ‘the other’ to complete the trio.

Then I found out I was not strong enough to do some of the jobs, and it was all looking very messy. 

I was getting quite stressed and upset.  Silly, you may think.  But I get like this now.  I think it’s one of the results of restricted life through Covid.  People react differently.

I was really disappointed that all of my plans were going to fail.

Then, I thought, stop being so silly and ask if someone could  help me out.

Low and behold! And much  to my surprise, an amazing man came up with an offer of help and sound advice.

We arranged a meeting, he had a look around, and talked me through ideas, and gave suggestions which would solve any problems.

Within a couple of hours it was all sorted.

He also noted we had a problem with the fence and came back the next morning armed with drill, screws etc.  to make the repair.

My goodness, what a super man.

No charge, no hassle,  no problem.  An£ give him a call if we needed anything else.

So generous,  quite overwhelming.

So, I still learn every day.

More updates after my daughter’s visit.  Can’t wait. 

Be back soon.  x


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