Winter has arrived.

Very moreish chicken and leek pie. 

Hi everyone.  Winter has arrived with a bang.  Thus, spent this afternoon cooking a chicken and leek pie, but unfortunately the Poy lentil soup has to wait another day.

The next day……..

Poy lentil soup done.  Yummy.

All set for freezing.

Next on list will be Cottage Pie à la carte Jamie Oliver.  Have made this loads of times but is a great standby when we just can’t be bothered or are too tired to cook.

Having recently discovered zip lock bags, (yes, I know they have beer around for ages) I am finding it much easier to to organise freezer.  See previous post about chaos.

When we came to Cyprus we did not bring storage canisters for the kitchen.  We built up a collection of, yes, plastic ones.

They lasted us well but one day I spotted kilner jars in the supermarket.  Well, what’s not to like about them.

Over the nest weeks we built up a good selection and really enjoy using them.  The plastic ones went to the charity shop.

We are lucky to be cosy in the house with our log burner, which we went halves on with the landlord.  We have recouped the cost and then some.

The plastic project is still on line.  I have been looking up things on the internet for things to make.  Quite a lot of things for the garden, which is right up my street.

But, (isn’t there always one) painting the bottles is not just straightforward.  I have to undercoat and then top coat.

I have seen some really sweet plant holder, bird feeders and planters.

I am thing of making some and taking them to local charity shop.  You never know, make them sweet and people will love them for the quirkiness and buy them.  Well, it is worth a go.

I may see if any of the many crafters in the area would like to try their hand at some up cycling.

Update on the mouldy cheese post.

I received an email today from a lady whose name is something Papantonnia.  Straight to the top.  Apologies were accepted but nothing from the manufacturer.  Interesting.

Nothing from Kerrygold, unsurprisingly.

Another blog soon, looking forward to it.

Thanks for reading.


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