Funny (or not) ?

 I am not well known for being a joker but once or twice during my marriage to my long suffering husband I have pulled off a blinder straight from the top off my head.

Mr D, like many men I suspect, does not like shopping.  Like, really does not like it.  Many years ago, when we were both working silly hours, we had not organised our shopping for Christmas lunch.  The solution to this was for us to go late night shopping at a well known supermarket.  All was going well until  I went for the squirty cream. 

  Mmmm, Mr D put on his grumpy face and said “and what do you want that for?”  

I should explain that ever since my daughter was young it became traditional to have fruit salad with sqirty cream as part of breakfast on Christmas morning.  I carried on the tradition into my otherwise very happy marriage.

My reply to this question was “I am going to cover you in it and lick it off very slowly “.  

A lady who was near to us, unnoticed by me, smiled and said “I hope you enjoy it”.

I laughed, and, thank goodness so did himself.

All joint shopping trips since then have run clockwork!

Another instalment soon.


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