A really friendly crew.

 Today I came across a group called “Cyprus Gardens”.  

What a lovely group and such a warm welcoming place.

I am really looking forward to exploring more and , hopefully, getting some great ideas.

I recently lost my gardener, who returned to his home land with his lovely wife who also helped with housework and even cooked us a traditional meal from their country.  Such a lovely couple and so sad to see them go.

We are going to press on and try to manage ourselves until we find a couple to replace them.

Not really been lucky with gardeners or cleaners but will probably leave it until the spring before we find it all too much.

Onwards and upwards.  Today is 12th night and I think time for taking down Christmas decorations.  But, by popular demand from Jazz and Honey the cats and Daisy the dog, Quinton the bear, and not forgetting himself, we delayed until tomorrow so we could enjoy one more evening with the lovely warm glow.

One of my hobbies is colouring.  You may think a bit strange but I find it quite therapeutic.  An hour or so together with Classic FM, maybe a small glass of wine and I am content with everything.

Does anyone else do this?  Would be pleased to meet up.

Someone posted on Facebook that they are starting a board game club.  I do hope so.  Unfortunately, Mr D is not a fan other than chess.  I wait with bated breath.

I hope you are keeping warm at night and look forward to blogging again soon.

Thanks for reading.  I had my first share of my blog today today and was stupidly pleased.  It has been a long road .

Till next time.


  1. The colouring in looks great well done! And I hope you are able to join the boardgame club, that sounds like fun. I am still struggling along with chess. Lovely pics, glad to see you are still blogging x


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