Plastic installation update.


Back in November I told about my idea to make a plastic installation in the Spring made up with plastic from our house, which would normally have been taken by the bin men and dumped in the landfill.

This shows some of the collection so far.

Mr D thinks I am mad.  Maybe he is right, but this not just one thing.  I get to see just how much we (a household of two people and three pets) use, weekly and now this lot in one month.

Really scary.

It also gives me a trial to explore my artistic ability.

Mmmm… may have taken on quite a task.

All in good fun, and a bit more as well.

Look out for the next update…..

Thanks for visiting, hope to see you again soon.


  1. This looks quite exciting, I think you can make small greenhouse structures out of used plastic bottles? I will try to find a link to send you x


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