Silver stash in the fridge…..

 Yep, that’s right.  A big(ish) pile of silver (foil) parcels in the bottom of the fridge.

It all started when our shop bought vegetables kept dying after a couple of days.  Not good, as we don’t have a local veg shop and don’t want to go into Polis on a special journey, we like to combine other bits and pieces at the same time.

Mr D’s iPad popped up with an idea which seemed a bit odd, but decided to give it a go anyway.

Wrap your veg in silver foil and keep in the fridge until needed.  It keeps veg crisp and fresh.

I started with carrots, cucumber and celery.  Not wrapped together.  Checked a few days later and it was working,  so put them back for a bit longer. The result is amazing.  It gives us fresh veg and stops waste.

Works well with cauliflower as well.

I am in the process of trying it with tomato’s.  Good fun.

I also re-cycle the foil so it all fits very nicely.  Do you think I should suggest it to Sunak as a money saving exercise.  I can just see his wife doing this. 

We are in soup making month, so dust down the soup maker, get out the recipes, get the (fresh) veg out of the fridge and away we go.

Comfort food is the order of the day, but we are really happy to still have sunny afternoons.

Here’s to an open fire and warm and cosy with the pets.

On another line, I love chatting away on here, but so wish I could get more people to read it.  Mind you, when I first started the original blog it took ages to build up my readers, so, note to self, be patient.

Next instalment soon. Thanks for reading.


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