Drowning in plastic.


For some months now I have been making a real effort to re-use plastic.

This photo shows two weeks worth of plastic from our house.  Shame to say that it doesn’t contain every scrap.

The first step in the right direction was when supermarkets were told to start charging for plastic carrier bags.  This only affected bags at the checkout.  But people still take handfuls of plastic bags for their shopping.  

And all the while, the shelf fillers wheel away trolleys loaded with cardboard boxes, presumably to dump in the crusher in the corner of the car park.

people could use these for packing their shopping into.

Before this the cashiers would put EVERYTHING in a bag. Even if it was already wrapped.  I used to say no thank you, but they would still try.

We take our own hessian bags, some we brought with us, and some we bought from the supermarket.

We also got some mesh vegetable bags from England, which were eyed suspiciously by the lovely ladies who weight and price your purchase.

If I really need one of the shop plastic bags it gets re-used time and again.  I just scribble out the price ticket when I get home and re-use.  It is now common practice and the ‘girls’ put new ticket over old one.


I could go on and on but will skip to the chase.  Another one of my brilliant ideas, which I have the pleasure of sharing with you.

Building an art installation in our back garden made out of plastic containers.

We don’t use the  back garden as we use the front of the house for the wonderful views.

Just a taster of one of them. 

Now, first is where to build it?  

If I collect two bags in two weeks, think how much I will collect over the winter in time for Spring, which is when this giant project begins.

This is what I mean.

The wall on the left runs the length of the garden, so may make the back drop for me.  One thing is for sure and that is this will not be free standing.

It can get quite windy here and I would prefer if it did not end up in a neighbours garden, however much they would love it.

Beginning in Spring certainly gives me plenty of time to carry out research, plan and try out some ideas which children do.  Start small and grow into a fabulous award for innovative ideas.

See you on the red carpet.  

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Ann,  x

Now known in certain circles as “Plastic Princess Bottle Builder”.

Or maybe not.


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