A dog named Chipped


This is our dog who has brightened our lives for five and a half years, together with our cats, (all rescues) who have let us live with them for nearly ten years.

There is still a bit of friction between Honey, top pet, and dog, who is and can be the green eyed monster.

Living in Cyprus we have to (by law!) have a ‘beware of the dog’ notice on the gate in both languages.  Shop bought ones have pictures of big dogs looking mean and hungry for a fight.  Not for us.  We asked a friendly bar man at a local bar if he could make us a sign.  He is into all things arty.  Anyway, he produced a brilliant sign with the prescribed words, and decorated it with daisies.

All fine so far.

Then the Cyprus government (haven’t they got any thing better to do) dictated dogs must have a licence, which will be issued by local Mukhtar (Mayor).  Ok, but the Mukhtar for our village won’t do it and tells people to go to the Municipal (Council) office in Polis, our nearest town.

They, in turn, tell people that they don’t issue permits for the Argaka area and to ask the local Mukhtar.  As is said, this IS Cyprus.

So the whole thing is a no, no on that front.

The government also decreed that a picture of the dog should also be displayed on the gate.  Well they can think again on that one.  My daughter did suggest that I laminate a sketch I had done of dearest doggy and put that on the gate instead.

Also, we live at the end of a long track, with no cars (apart from post lady and a few others who are calling at the house) there seems little point in most of this.

Oh, and just show how hard they have worked on this matter, they have also demanded that dogs wear a tag on their collar with their name and appropriate telephone number which should have been registered at the government vet.

We will not be putting our dog’s name on her tag.  If she were to escape and someone found her they would have no trouble getting her to go to them.

All this is going to cost about €300 in a fine for not complying.

Before I get to the punch line, what about all the stray dogs who, apparently, get turned out because they are no good as ‘hunting’ dogs?  Just saying.

This did prompt me to get her dog tag, something that had been needed for some time. 

We finally found out we did not need to go to Paphos as there is a pet shop much closer who supply these.

I duly went and picked said tag.  I was then asked for dog’s name for one side and telephone number on the other.  Slight confusion as I wanted ‘chipped’ on one side and numbered in the other.

As the engraving is done off site the information is sent to them and ready for collection next day.

In the afternoon I got a call from man who engraves who wanted to confirm my dog was called Chipped.  I managed not to laugh and explained I didn’t want a name, but chipped because she has a microchip.

Oh, he knew what I was talking about.

Said chip was duly collected and dog is the proud owner of a super necklace, which she feels is very becoming.

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