Wednesday 6th October 2021


Exciting news at Douglas Towers 

 Wednesday 6th October, and lots happening here today.

Mr D made a visitor the doctor as he has been unwell again for the last few days.  Doctor reassured him and has put him back on the straight and narrow.

We took delivery of loads of pallets which will be used to make a log store, which we have wanted for a couple of years.  Sometimes you just have to wait!

Yesterday was Daisy’s grooming day, she always looks so great (don’t she just know it) when it has been done.  May be just one more to be fitted in this side of winter.

Next week is pretty fully booked as well, but have managed to put to Paphos appointments into one day.

I resurrected on of my knitting projects which has been tucked away for all of the summer, and now want to finish ready for autumn .

Just completed day two of ‘stoptober’.  We were a bit late starting but better late than never,  I am hoping it will change the habit of drinking, just have to wait and see.

I am going to get some sleep now and hope to sleep right through.

Will post soon, and take some pictures of log store progress tomorrow.

Sleep tight.


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