Wednesday 30th June 2021


Potential hazard 

 Wednesday 30 June

Sometimes things just don’t turn out the way you expect!

That is what is happening to us a lot lately .  Last week I had to have a blood test for the cardiologist to look at.  Due to circumstances brought about, once again, by the language barrier we some times come up against it was all to late.

Never mind, I will phone the cardiologist and explain and see if I could change my appointment to save a wasted journey to Paphos.

No problem, got my new date.  What I didn’t realise was it was a day before Mr D had his appointment, again in Paphos.  Ok, why don’t you ring him and see if we can change it to the same day.

No reply on the phone so an email was duly sent.  No reply received so we carried on with plan B, which included taking one of our garden parasols back for a a replacement and, once again, plan a trip to the butcher.

On the day of my appointment Mr D received a reply agreeing to changing his appointment  to 5.30 on the same date as my appointment. A bit inconvenient but we would work it out.

At the  12th hour I contacted our dog sitter to see if by chance she was free.  No, I’m not surprised.  She is a gem and has to run a tight ship.

Ok, Daisy dog was duly walked and with fresh water and food in her house was quite comfy.

We set off for my appointment and arrived in plenty of time.  All good news from the doctor and at the same time she was able to issue a new repeat prescription for me for another matter.  I am in the middle of changing one of my doctors and can’t get to see the new one until December 1st.

This is all going very well, I thought.

We came out of the clinic and had loads of time before the next appointment, even with our trip to parasols shop and butchers, so we decided to get some lunch and a cold drink at a cafe we know near the immigration office.

We drove off and I was dropped off around the corner to the coffee shop and Mr D went off to park the car.

This is when the day got really bad.  I realised I had left my mask in the car and started to walk along to see if I could find where it was parked.  Mr D had said did I want to take my walking stick and I said no - big mistake.

I caught my toe on a cracked pavement and went FLYING flat on my face.  What a mess, having screamed for Martin a young man jumped out of his car to help and another man appeared from a house.  Martin thought I had been hit by the car.

Blood, lost a tooth (which had been loose for ages) could not get up, even with help, the mans wife arrived with water and kitchen roll to mop up.  I managed to turn to a sitting position and burnt my bum in the pavement.  Eventually they managed to get me to a standing position.  

The lady wanted to phone an ambulance but Mr D said it was ok he would drive me to the hospital.  We walked/staggering back to the car.  Thank god we decided not to go to Paphos hospital, which is on a par to a butchers shop, but phoned our doctor and they said go there and they would sort me out.

Also there was the sorting out of the other appointment which was done in a flash.  Sometimes I bless the health system here.

We got to our doctors clinic where the nurse cleaned and patched me up.  Not a pretty site. Above  right eye, under chin where my chain had stabbed me, lip where tooth had stuck in, two wrists which I hoped to god I had not broken them since I have osteoporosis , nose, check, big toe.  I think that about covers it.

The nurse was not happy about the chin in case it needed stitches so said she wanted us to return later to see the doctors.  We went backabout 8.30 and the doctor look. Four X rays later he decided knees were ok but i did have a hairline fracture on the left wrist.

I was bandaged up and sent home with instructions on dos and don’t s.

I woke up this morning having had a fairly good nights sleep, but a bit wobbly and sore.

Mr D had been awake much of the night so is having a well earned snooze.

Everything is on hold for the moment and look forward to feeling more like myself.

Oh, and the next Mr D says do you want to take your stick, the correct answer is YES!


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