Wednesday 28th July 2021


Every cloud …..

 Friday 23rd July

can have a silver lining.

Oh, my word, (in the words of the great Jamie Oliver) day five of the plasters and verging on the suicidal, except it would be such an insult to my husband who has worked his socks off to look after my needs, even giggling like a couple of teens while he showered me!

We have now acquired some waterproof sleeves to wear in the shower.  Such freedom.

Yesterday was gardeners day and they have, once again, made a superb job of planting up the new grasses, which are apparently Pampas grass, according to senior gardener. No wonder they are growing so fast.

Wednesday 28 July

Well, I blinked and then it was Wednesday!  I must be having so much fun I didn’t notice the time.

The grasses and new climbers are going great guns.  One thing that is so lovely to watch is the water being caught by the sun.

Made it to the hairdresser yesterday and feel a lot better, as always she is worth her weight in gold.

Our landlord has pulled a fast one on us regarding our/his air con.  The unit in the bedroom broke down about  two weeks ago.  After 10 days of chasing him up he said if we wanted it replaced with a new one (which has been recommended to us by a professional) then we would have to pay half.  This is after he increased our rent by almost 10 percent a couple of months age.

The scrap of paper he refers to as our lease quotes he will maintain equipments which breaks down due to wear and tear.

Him and his wife are one and the same and always have been.

Needless to say we are not very happy. You rent a house with air-con, it breaks down so tough luck.

I have been unable to bring myself to even speak to him in a cvil manner.

But he will not rain on my parade.

End of rant.  Will be back soon with update on arms and kitchen island (at last).


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