Wednesday 18th August 2021


A memorial for Sue

 Wednesday 18th August

It has been in my mind for some while to create a small memorial in the garden for Sue (my sister) and it finally came to fruition this week.

With the help of a recommendation we went to an amazing place which makes and paints a whole variety of statues, when I saw this I just knew it was perfect.

Next it was off to the garden centre for the gravel.  Yesterday morning, before the sun was up we get to work and this is the result.

Sue would, I think, have loved it.

We don’t need material things to remind us of Sue but considering she was cremated in Scotland (not giving some of us enough time to get there),  and ashes scattered from Hastings pier I felt there should be something in Cyprus where Sue managed to have two short holidays before she left us.

She ‘visits’ me often and I hope she is now at peace.

With love. x


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