Thursday 17th June 2021


And the next project will be ……

 Hi everyone,  it has been a little over a month since I blogged since May was fairly full on and jumps and downs,  but we are out of the woods now and staying positive about everything.

The garden now has a working irrigation system which has made a terrific difference and just in time for the hot weather.  The plants are already looking better but the cats can’t work out why they keep getting wet!

Well, I started this blog a few days ago when I was interrupted by runty cat - Jaz - who came hobling home crying and a front leg about twice its normal size!  Poor Jaz,  we got our rather old cat carrier but she did not want to get in it.  Finally wrapped her in a towel and got her secure, much to her loud complaining .  We got to the vet who said it was a fairly bad snake bite (the third one she has had).  After a couple of injections and armed with some antibiotics we made the journey home.

We decided we had to get a new carrier that we could be sure was secure.  

After a long, long sleep she was quite perky the next morning so no need for a return to vet.

So what with Daisy the dog having grass up her nose and ear infection, Mr D being poorly and recently being in hospital I think we have had our fair share of excitement.  Thank goodness Honey cat is ok and I just carry on as if it is all in a days work.

Plans for the next project in the garden are under way, which will be a small water feature as a memorial to my sister who passed away in 2018.

Irrigation now in place and working great, just adding and tweaking bits and bobs and sit back to enjoy.

The weather has been quite blowing the last week and it has delayed my first dip this year but Mr D has enjoyed several swims, much to the pets amusement.

My daughter recently moved into a larger flat and seems very happy with life, which is all any mum can ask for.  So hope she will be able to get out this year, if Johnson and his cronies can get their act together.

We ventured out for a fabulous lunch last week, first time in getting on for 18 months.  We went to a place called The Farmyard at Kathikas, where we were looked after by the lovely Valentina. So relaxing, good service, brilliant food.  Yummy.

Just going to get some fresh photos and hope you enjoyed the blog


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