Sunday 22nd June 2021


Shopping trip and other things

 Sunday 27th June

Summer solstice has been and gone in a flash with the usual hooha over entry to Stonehenge.  I don’t really understand what it is about but would imagine it is similar to being locked out of church at Easter in Cyprus.

Summer arrived in our garden this week which called for me to take a dip (or two) in our pool.  Absolutely wonderful.  Got myself a new noodle and fit to go.

Speaking of new things I did get my long promised trip to a clothes shop in the village along the coast to us.  Latchi (Latsi) has a small harbour where men leave their toys, variety of small to quite substantial.  Also pleasure boats run tours but without holiday makers must have been hit hard .

Anyway, back to my shopping.  Kiki s has everything.  After a pleasant half an hour or so I came away with four outfits, a new purse and a super new leather belt for Mr D, who had been looking for one for ages.

This is the same shop where I bought my walking stick a couple of years ago, so it just goes to show I don’t have to rush down to Paphos for anything.

The dresses/outfits are just up my street. Cool, loose fitting, long line.  I am thrilled.

We had the opportunity of stopping off twice this week for the “cheeky  pint” in old haunts.  One place had moved premises and we were impressed with the ambiance of the new place.  Lots of space and a sea view.  Our waitress was friendly, happy to serve us and obviously enjoyed her job.  They also sell real ale, which Mr D is particularly partial to.  I can see another visit soon, but I don’t think either of us  want to go back to how we were prior to lock down with going out five days out of seven.  We actually enjoy being at home!

I managed to get Daisy dog booked in with her groomer, but she has to wait until July 20th!  Meanwhile we will have to keep going at home.  She is shedding her coat and will be much cooler after a proper groom.

Things are going well on the health front which makes life so much easier.

I continue to get odds and ends for the garden with grasses being the latest addition.  I have decided they need larger pots and will collect them in the next day or so.

Not quite sure what is happening with our local butcher, who was a big hit when he first opened.  Now there seems to be very little stock, no deli counter or any of the goodies he had before.  Even the mince beef does not look as dark and rich as before.  As a result we are going to revert to Kolios in Paphos for a really good range and the stay with the local supermarket for chicken and sausages.  

Meanwhile, the bakery next door to the butcher is expanding their business and virtually rebuilding the shop.  All very strange.  Time will tell.

I am very pleased with last month’s/this months viewing figures, which led me to thinking where do viewers come from and what do they think.  There is an option to leave a comment by going to the end of the blog and click on the no comment button. That will open up the space for you to leave your thoughts, or maybe just the town where you live.  All just for fun. 


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