Saturday 7th July 2021


Wow ….. wot a scorcher

 Saturday 17 July

We haven’t got to the hottest month yet but here we are, about the fourth week of  about 32 degrees during the day with humidity at 74% today, 


And I have not been able to go in the pool to cool off with on wrist in a Velcro splint and the other in a bandages support.  BUT it could have been worse with plaster casts, so thank my blessings.

Cyprus government managed to make a bit of an effort (at last) to get things under control.  I think they may have saved their breath.  But we did see something  really interesting in the English language paper this week.

When we moved to Argaka in 2012 the coast road was pretty rustic and the beach, as we quickly learnt,was home to the Loggerhead turtle as their breading ground and where they would build their nests.

The turtles are a protected species.

Since then several of the pop up bars, local bars, taverns, ice cream kiosks have all slowly moved onto the beach not only making it look a mess but also upsetting the turtles and stopping the enjoyment of visitors and residents of what should be a bit of a Cypriot showpiece.

Well, according to the newspaper all of these constructions and seating areas which have been erected without the appropriate permission are to be removed.  But, we must not jump the gun on this, let’s wait and see.  Siga siga as they say.

I have finally given up on the housework front.  We had a very good Mrs Moo who was with us for about 15 months but, unfortunately, when the virus arrived we had to let  her go from the point that she also cleaned holiday villas and other houses, and to avoid infection we just could not risk it.

Our new lady starts this week and we are keeping our fingers crossed.  

Having been out of action for over two weeks, and the garden crew unable to come one week the garden was looking a bit shabby.  But, they arrived last Thursday and as if by magic the garden was transformed into its paradise.  Irrigation is now tweaked and everything is coming along splendidly.  I have roses which I never thought would bloom again.  Mr D got our first lot of spring onions yesterday, the herb garden is in full flow and chilli3s are to be harvested this week end.

Daisy Dog has her groomer coming on Tuesday, much to her relief, even though her dog sitter brushed her out about 10 days ago.  Poor thing.

All my bumps and bruises have healed, just the wrists to get scanned now and should be good to go.  Really not a good thing to do at my age. Must try harder.

See you all soon and thanks to those who read my musings,


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