Friday 1st October 2021


New month - Happy October and Cyprus Independence Day

 We are still enjoying summer weather but no denying the fact it will come to an end eventually.  With that in mind I spent some time making a gentle start on sorting out some of raised veg bed and managed to get the last of the baby peppers and they are now ready for freezing.

They will join the green lemons given to us recently by the picker in the grove behind our house.  I am sure he does not understand a word of English but must get the idea of what I am saying from the smile.

I have always loved the way things are shared here.

This morning Mr D came back from the dog walk with two beautiful avocados, they will go into the fruit bowl - must get some fresh bananas to aid the process of ripening them.

I recently planted seeds for sweet peas, they are taking their time but are now joined by radishes -

Having had what seems like an age with arms in plaster it is great to get back into things.

The main thing to lift spirits was an amazing call from my daughter last weekend, but sorry to hear that she had some annual leave but was in bed with a stinking cold.  So unfair as her work is all consuming.

We decided we are both really looking forward to when she can visit and have a real holiday!

We have lived in this house for eight years now, the longest time we have stayed anywhere and still loving it!  Glad to say we now pay rent direct into landlord’s bank account so have distanced a bit more.

We are hoping to get a store built to keep the logs in - the magic man will come next week.

Will keep you informed, hope you are all well.


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