Sunday 24th October 2021

Christmas dinner! 

 10 am Sunday morning,


It is never too early to plan Christmas lunch.  We always push the boat out and this year Mr D said he would like to have a go at Greek Kleftiko.  We thought a trial run would be a good idea and so armed with a leg of lamb from the butcher in Polis (the butcher from Argaka disappeared) and all the suitable ingredients from a fairly straightforward recipe which we found on the Paprika app today is the day.

Into marinade overnight, prep this morning and into the slow cooker for seven to eight hours with various veggies.

Fingers crossed.  We are going to have enough to feed an army, so it looks like a fair amount will be for the freezer.

We are also some decent decorations this year, which will be a first.  Maybe just fill the house up with poinsettias which would be VERY colourful.

I was a brave girl on Friday and went for my annual flu vaccination, I now have a sore arm, ouch.  I now have to wait to get my Covid-19 booster.  

Infection is still rife in Cyprus, just watch what happens at the local supermarket where safe passes are supposed to get checked, not happening!

The annoying thing is that it put the rest at risk.  Does anyone care?

We are still enjoying sunny weather during the day, but chilly at night.  Waiting for chimney sweep, cosy.

Good luck to every one and we can but hope this dreadful curse will go away.


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