Carrots, hyacinth bulbs and odd cats and dog.

 Saturday, when I hate the clocks changing.  Several reasons, it robs us of lovely afternoons sitting on the veranda having a glass of wine and feeling all is right with the world.  

It makes us go into winter when we are not ready to, in spite of having booked the chimney sweep, ordering the kindling, having the log store extended and putting the middle weight duvet on the bed.

So having put all that aside (note to self - don’t start a sentence with “so”) So annoying! Anyway, on with carrots.  I tried a couple of years ago to grow some carrots from seed, looked more like I was growing grass for a realistic doll’s house garden.

I had really good results with carrots when we lived in England.  Raised bed on the first floor balcony over looking the sea.  I remember how thrilled I was when the first carrot made an appearance.  Fingers crossed for this year.

I have also potted some hyacinth bulbs.  I had good results a couple of years ago and they give off a beautiful fragrance.  Just to square the circle I have also planted some stocks seeds.  Another fabulous fragrant flower.  Let’s hope I am successful.

All the pets have been in funny moods recently.  The cats are 10 years old now, and Daisy dog has been with us for five years.  You can watch the balance of  ‘top pet’ on a daily basis, and it shift’s like the moving sand.

But we love them all. 

now I am mobile after months of trial and tribulations I can get out in the garden,  and even drive myself into Polis, which I plan to do on Tuesday.  Several errands to run so dotting around and feeling brave.

We have decided this Christmas to have lunch out, so Mr D has been on the hunt for recommendations for best places in Polis.

He has had a reliable recommendation from a local man , who we have never met, but I plan to check it out on Tuesday.

We have rarely gone out over the last three years due to COVID.  It is still very much alive and kicking in Cyprus, so it might be quite an occasion and even get to glam up.

Boxing Day will be our at home Christmas .  We even got a small tree last year so will dig that out and light it up.  All there is to do now is agree on a roast.  Easy.

Exciting times as we have arranged to have our sitting room brightened up with a lick of paint.  Not Magnolia!  And to spruce up the bedroom we are going to swop curtains with the study.  I hate the curtains in the bedroom but they come with the house,  so after all these years it is time for them to go. Bye bye curtains.

We seem to get busier by the week and have to watch we don’t double book any day and give ourselves time to take a breath.

At least we don’t sit and let the cobwebs grow over us!

Thanks for reading the rambling, please share if you like.

See you soon.


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