
Showing posts from July, 2023

The missing letter ‘T’

 This is an edited post from August 2021.  It is still as bad, if not worse than before.  Sunday 15*h Augus* I became aware a few mon*hs ago *ha* *he le**er ‘T’ was missing when people were *alking. Now, there can be one of a few reasons for this in my view, laziness, unable to spell so being unaware the word contains a T, a new form of slang ( maybe not that as even radio presenters miss out this precious member of the alphabet family.) Although I was born in London I spent most of my teen years living on the south coast. As a result I picked up the local dialect where most words are pronounced with ‘ing’ at the end.  Absolutely nothing I can do about but to develop this casting aside of a letter seems to be a shame. Is it mockery at its worst? Posted by  Ann Douglas   at  12:34   Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinteres
 Well, the things I didn’t know. A couple of years ago I was given a garden table to help me with working on plant pots without having to bend.  With a metal base and a too made from the good old pallets. It never occurred to me that I should use a wood preservative.  Part of the top has rotted and Mr Usefull said there really was no point in repairing it as the rest would soon go the same way. I decided that it is such a good thing to have that the whole top should be replaced.  I contacted my very generous ‘supplier’ who said I was very welcome to help myself.    Next step is to find someone to collect them for me and then paint with wood protector.  Before it is fitted! We then took a look at the wood store which is also made from pallets.  That too must have wood protection in order for it to last.  Mr U also said he would reinforce a part which had come away. Isn’t he great.  Also fitted the new towel rail, put up the picture hooks,...