The last week to 10 days have been pretty crazy and busy! No change there then in our expectations of life. When I blog I try and find a photo that will match the musing. This morning I found some older ones taken ages ago of my colouring book. One of my many things which come and go in waves. Many hours spent just relaxing, very therapeutic. Time to dig the books out again. Some time ago I found a table top easel for sale, which I had wanted for ages with dreams of messing around with sketches. Within the last 10 days I finally got to sit in the garden and have a go, I am quite pleased with the result so far. I am really happy with the progress being made in the garden and looking forward to planting tomatoes, peppers, chillis and other things when the time is right. I always get impatient at this time of year. The spring onions are going great guns and looking good in the recycled plastic water bottles. I have also re-potted ...