A week of big steps moving forward.

Going back to last October 22nd, a normal Sunday, cooking our meal, putting something in the kitchen rubbish bin, lost my balance, crashed onto floor, the pain! Passed out, came round and eventually an ambulance arrived to take me to hospital. Coming up to three months later which have been traumatic to say the least. I had broken my hip! Having endured an operation, 9 days in hospital, not being able to get out of bed, organising an ambulance with help from one of the nurses to get me home (other wise I would still be there), being safely returned home for my husband to get on with looking after me! Two visits a week from an amazing physiotherapist to work his magic on teaching me exercises which would get me mobile. With the help from him and wonderful support from my husband I have now achieved: Progressing from stretcher to walking frame, to moving around the house holding on to furniture, to walking stick, and building confidence to walk unsupported. I have also brave...