To cut or not to cut…..

I had a lovely time in the garden yesterday, so fresh after Saturday s rain. The task was to repot the Amaryllis bulbs into newly adapted planters made from 11 ltr water bottles. Some time ago I carried out an experiment to see how much plastic we used in a month. The result was horrific, made up mainly from bottles of various sizes, we had collected in the region of 50 to 60 bags. And there is only two of us When the heat wave arrived towards the end of June our consumption of water increased dramatically and, obviously, the amount of plastic bottles we used. We finally got a water dispenser which needs an 11 ltr bottle and, instead of buying more plastic containers for the garden, we decided to adapt the bottles. Win, win situation. With the Amaryllis duly potted (see pic) I now have to decide whether or not to trim the leaves. I may trim one of the bulbs and see what happens. I have always used plugs from the nursery for my planting, gaining more knowledge ev...