Never give up

One thing I have always wanted to do is to be able to sketch a reasonable picture. I was lucky enough to recently get a table top easel. It is just one of those things I thought would improve my artistic abilities. I have been colouring for some years, which was one of the things I brought with us to stop me from getting boarded in my retirement. Well, it took about three years to get going! Bored? In Cyprus? Well, you only retire once so you don’t know what it will be like. There must be something in the blood because my daughter has always been arty. Not just painting and such but was always very keen on drama, music, dance and went on to return to education and earn her degree in Fine Art. I am so proud of her many, many achievements in her life, but this one really tested her ability to stick something out. It also had a hand in helping her shape her life and, I think, continues to do so. I never know what road she will take next, but I thi...